Hello!!! If you have chosen to be here, it's because you are fed up with yo-yo dieting and not able to shed the extra weight despite all the exercise and salad-eating attempts. Or maybe you have kids and feel like your health is on the line, and you want to take back control of your health so you can be here for them!
Either way, get excited because WE are about to embark on a journey together that will completely change your way of thinking about nutrition and dieting, AND you'll discover new habits to help you "UpLevel" your life!
What if I told you that, the Standard American way of eating has caught up to us, and the science is now pointing it to the root cause of many of our health symptoms?
Or that “calorie counting” and “fad dieting” has gotten us confused about what is healthy in the first place?!
It’s time to get back to the basics and look at the power of food and what it is capable of within our bodies, how it nourishes the very cells we are made of, and can be the cause of our symptoms or cure to getting our life back!