Mindful Living and Nutrition

Welcome to my blog, where I will share all things holistic lifestyle and nutrition related! I am excited to bring you into a world where your old beliefs will be shattered (for the better!) and limitless possibilities will begin to open up for you.

A year and a half ago, I put so much faith into Western Medicine and our physicians, but after struggling with my own health issues and not getting any real answers just suggestions for medications, I decided to take my health into my own hands. Now I’m not saying that meds and traditional therapies aren’t good at times, but I want you to know that you have options. Options that are usually way cheaper, God-given, and straight from the earth we live on!

Through lots of online learning and certifications, reading multiple books, listening to hours of podcasts, and learning Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine), and other integrative therapies, I have learned how to heal myself naturally, with nutrition and lifestyle changes. I have learned how to get to the root cause of my symptoms, how to detoxify from harmful toxins that hide in my liver, how to eat to benefit every cell of my being, how to balance my hormones, and how to rewire my brain to overcome stress and anxiety and manifest the life I want to live!

These are all things I will be sharing with you soon in my upcoming online course, but for now follow along on my blog, social media, or join my newsletter here!

Lastly, for a basic understanding of how food works at the cellular level to help you beat and prevent disease, grab my FREE e-guide here!

Comment below if there are any topics that you would love to learn more about! Who’s ready to UpLevel?!


5 Reasons Why You Are Holding On To That Extra Weight


Can Food Really Help You Beat Cancer?